Available On THE AppStore: 'Huge' number of Mac apps are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks | Apple | Nobody Is Perfect | CyberSecurity | Apple, Mac, MacOS, iOS4, iPad, iPhone and (in)security... | Scoop.it
Many of OS X’s most popular apps were recently revealed to be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attacks.

The vulnerability specifically targets those that use Sparkle — a third-party software update framework — and unencrypted HTTP connections.

A security engineer from Vulnsec, known as Radek, said the vulnerability works on both El Capitan and its predecessor, Yosemite.

The total number of apps affected isn’t known, but Radek did estimate the number to be “huge.” Some of those confirmed as vulnerable are:

Camtasia 2 (v2.10.4)
DuetDisplay (v1.5.2.4)
uTorrent (v1.8.7)
Sketch (v3.5.1)
Additionally, security researcher Jonathan Zdziarski told Ars Technica that the ‘Hopper’ reverse engineering tool and ‘DXO Optics Pro’ are also susceptible.

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