Agric Upgrades | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Agric organizers have come up with ideas to improve the Agric fair, which is only 4 weeks away.  It'll start on May 3rd, and finish on May 5th.  Patrick Jones paid the fairgrounds a visit to see the improvements.  They're building new facilities for this year, and are talking about having a main stage, a food court, and alcohol free zones.  Great ideas!


"Organizers of the National Agriculture and Trade Show today hosted media representatives to a 'walk through' to explain plans for this year's event.  According to the chairman of the show Jose Alpuche, this year the Agric Show on May 3rd, 4th and 5th will see some new and improved format which will include a new main stage, a visitor's centre, brand new rodeo installations and a food court.  A part of the plan is the establishment of 'no alchohol' zones, streamlining of the booths and stalls to maximize emphasis on agriculture and trade."