Belize Children's Project Saves Kerisa | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

Feelgood news of the month!  The Belize Children's Project flew little Kerisa up to treat her severe case of scoliosis.  She's on the road to recovery. 


"Born with a life threatening case of scoliosis, Kerisa Guild, 7, traveled 2,500 miles to stay with a Mount Vernon family for a severe spinal surgery she wasn’t able to receive in her home country of Belize.


Kerisa is one of nearly 500 children helped by the Belize Children’s Project, according to the founder Eugene Verdu, of Belleville.  This year, the program reached its 40th anniversary with the Belleville Rotary Club providing orthopedic care to children in need from the Central American country."