Belize Zoo Gets Great Review | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture |

The Belize Zoo got a great review, and there's quite a bit of information about it in the article.  It also mentions The Last Flight of the Scarlet Macaw.


"In 1983 a filmmaking team came to Belize to make a wildlife documentary called Path of the Rain Gods.  By the time filming was over, the animals that the team had collected for the film had become tame, the crew were leaving the country, there was no money left, and no one knew what to do with 17 animals that couldn’t be released into the wild.  Sharon Matola (the film’s animal handler) stayed behind with her furry charges and started the zoo...  The zoo’s animals include all the Belizean cats, from the jaguar and puma all the way to the tiny jaguarundi (a small ginger cat with a hoarse throaty purr that looks and sounds like an domestic moggy with asthma).  Another famous resident is the tapir (the country’s national animal), a fat beast that looks somewhere between a pig and a cow, and has a prehensile snout and a reputation for spraying its urine at curious visitors.  There are howler monkeys (who are one of the loudest animals and whose crepuscular roars can be heard for miles).  And there are a number of cute furry critters, with exotic names like agouti, gibnut, kinkajou, and coatimundi."