Wealth Activator Code Ebook Alex Maxwell PDF Download | Ebooks & Books (PDF Free Download) | Scoop.it

Wealth Activator Code ebook download in PDF format. Feel free to read Alex Maxwell's book today!  From what you hear out of the mouths of some of the so-called preachers pitching the prosperity gospel, you’d think they got their divinity degree from the school of Jerry Maguire asking the Lord to “show me the money!” and their favorite hymn song was taught by Janis Joplin, singing, “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz” because in their mind’s eye that’s all the Lord really wants for them is to be rich and happy. 


Instead of asking the Lord to reveal himself to them so they can know him better, they ask him, “Lord, what’s in your wallet?” While it’s true that the Bible does talk about money (there are roughly over 2,000 verses regarding it) and Jesus spent roughly 15% of his teaching concerning it, most of the teaching warns of the dangers, which are similar to fire and water, both are good but can be dangerous as well...