Nikon D800-D800E First Comparison - Is the "E" Sharper? Is Moire a Problem? | Photography Gear News |

I picked up my Nikon D800 about 10 days ago, and have been shooting with it and working on an initial review ever since. Then, this morning, the phone rang at about 10:30 am. It was Henry's, my dealer in Toronto where I had ordered both a D800 and a D800E as soon as they were announced. (Yes, I purchase most of the gear that I test at retail, especially items that I expect to use long-term).

"Hi Michael. Your D800E just came in."

"Great, I'll be over within the hour".

And thus began my day. Fortunately my schedule was clear, as was the weather, with crisp temperatures and clear skies. I grabbed my Nikon gear bag and headed out to both pick up the 800E and to do some long-awaited comparisons between the two cameras...