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Curated by jean lievens
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Can the Net Drive Social Movements? - CounterPunch

Can the Net Drive Social Movements? - CounterPunch | real utopias |
Can the Net Drive Social Movements?
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A Genuine Movement for Social Change - Truth-Out

A Genuine Movement for Social Change - Truth-Out | real utopias |
Intellectuals must be prepared to face repression and to act in defense of the values they profess.
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Why social movements need the radical imagination - Open Democracy

Why social movements need the radical imagination - Open Democracy | real utopias |

We pay attention to this tension because, to a very real extent, the crisis of social reproduction in global capitalist society is intensifying on at least three fronts.

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Protests Threaten to Paralyze Brazil Ahead of World Cup

Protests Threaten to Paralyze Brazil Ahead of World Cup | real utopias |
As the FIFA World Cup approaches, the streets of Brazil are heating up with strikes and demonstrations, and there are worries that the social unrest could escalate into a wave of protests similar to the ones that shook the country in June 2013.
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The World is Flat - Again! - Huffington Post (blog)

The World is Flat - Again! - Huffington Post (blog) | real utopias |

The conclusions of the paper are thought-provokingly simple: "A capitalist society with a privileged elite will lead to a downfall of civilization," while a more egalitarian society will not.

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Tweeting the Revolution: Social Media Use and the #Euromaidan Protests - Huffington Post

Tweeting the Revolution: Social Media Use and the #Euromaidan Protests - Huffington Post | real utopias |

The past three days have been the most violent in recent Ukrainian history. Over 70 people are reported to have died since violence erupted on Tuesday, including following the reemergence of violence on Wednesday after the collapse of a truce between the government and protestors. Thursday, the EU formally announced that it will impose sanctions on those it deems responsible for the violence, marking the first active international intervention since the beginning of protests in November. As in other events of collective actions in the past few years, social media appears to be playing a prominent role in organizing and motivating Ukrainian protestors.

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15 Photos From The Massive Progressive Protest You Didn’t Hear About This Weekend

15 Photos From The Massive Progressive Protest You Didn’t Hear About This Weekend | real utopias |
Estimates say somewhere between 80 and 100,000 people turned out for the Moral March on Raleigh.
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Thai Politics at a Glance | Focus on the Global South

Thai Politics at a Glance | Focus on the Global South | real utopias |
Thailand is once more in a serious political crisis, with the legitimacy of the government being challenged.  There are two sources of government legitimacy, the means and the end.
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The New-New Social Activist Movements | dorset chiapas solidarity

The New-New Social Activist Movements | dorset chiapas solidarity | real utopias |

In her classic and monumental book that takes a state-centric approach, Theda Skocpol analyzes the three major revolutions (French, Russian and Chinese), their disintegration and post-revolutionary reconstruction. In “States and Social Revolutions” (Los estados y las revoluciones sociales, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1984), Skocpol puts under the microscope how revolutionary processes affected and modified institutions. For those of us steeped in Marx, she arrives at uncomfortable conclusions.

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12 Inspired Actions to Outsmart Repressive Situations and Laws

12 Inspired Actions to Outsmart Repressive Situations and Laws | real utopias |
The Spanish government’s latest round of anti-protest laws are as worrying as they are laughably predictable. On top of criminalizing passive resistance, the new regulation considers actions such as uploading images of police violence to YouTube, or even Tweeting about a protest, to be punishable by fines as high a 600,000€, if you decide to protest in front of any so-called “Democratic Institutions”. As George Orwell argued, “A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial”.
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Daily Kos Writer Predicts “Big Resurgence” of Non-Hierarchical Occupy Movement

Daily Kos Writer Predicts “Big Resurgence” of Non-Hierarchical Occupy Movement | real utopias |
Ray Pensador declares that non-hierarchical organizing models have gotten under the skin of corporate and governmental intelligence-gathering partnerships. He suggests that this presages a resurgence of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
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Major Social Transformation Is a Lot Closer Than You May Realize - How Do We Finish the Job?

Major Social Transformation Is a Lot Closer Than You May Realize - How Do We Finish the Job? | real utopias |

The current social movement that exploded onto the national scene with the 2011 Occupy Movement is following the path of successful movements so far. The social movement in 2014 is poised to begin an exciting era of broadening and deepening the growing consensus for social and economic justice.

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Major Social Transformation Is Close - CounterPunch

Major Social Transformation Is Close - CounterPunch | real utopias |

The current social movement that exploded onto the national scene with the 2011 Occupy Movement is following the path of successful movements so far. The social movement in 2014 is poised to begin an exciting era of broadening and deepening the growing consensus for social and economic justice.

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Cambodian garment workers join Opposition protests

Cambodian garment workers join Opposition protests | real utopias |

Thousands of Cambodian garment workers on Thursday joined anti-government protests demanding that Prime Minister Hun Sen step down and call a new election.


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Italy's 'pitchfork protests,' in fourth day, spread to Rome

Italy's 'pitchfork protests,' in fourth day, spread to Rome | real utopias |

(Reuters) - Italy's "pitchfork" protests spread to Rome on Thursday when hundreds of students clashed with police and threw firecrackers outside a university where government ministers were attending a conference.


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Ukraine-Social Networking Is the Revolution - Guardian Express

Ukraine-Social Networking Is the Revolution - Guardian Express | real utopias |

As the protests in Kiev, Ukraine that started in Independence Square enter their third week, it is clear to the world that they are ceasing to be a local political dissension and are becoming a revolution. The popular world news outlets are reporting things as they happen, but it is social networking that seems to be providing the scoop in real time.

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Thailand's protests are a symptom of its identity crisis - The Conversation

Thailand's protests are a symptom of its identity crisis - The Conversation | real utopias |

University places increased substantially, and opportunities in the expanding economy multiplied.

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Amazon workers in Germany strike and threaten more action

Amazon workers in Germany strike and threaten more action | real utopias |
Nearly a thousand Amazon employees on Monday participated in strikes at two of the company's German sites and services union Ver.di threatened further action as the year's busiest shopping season begins.
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Thai protesters vow to seize state offices nationwide, escalating political crisis (11/26/13 12:52 am)

Thai protesters vow to seize state offices nationwide, escalating political crisis (11/26/13 12:52 am) | real utopias |
BANGKOK - Anti-government protesters in Thailand vowed Tuesday to take control of state offices nationwide in their bid to oust Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, escalating the biggest challenge she has faced since taking office.
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Over 1,000 protesters occupy Thailand’s Finance Ministry – witnesses

Over 1,000 protesters occupy Thailand’s Finance Ministry – witnesses | real utopias |
Thailand’s Finance Ministry has been taken over by more than 1,000 anti-government rioters, Reuters reported witnesses as saying. The leader of the protest movement has urged the demonstrators to seize other government buildings.
Jake Red Dorman's curator insight, November 20, 2014 8:44 PM

The reason for these protests in Thailand are to try and get rid of the current prime minister. the way they want to do this is by getting the old prime minister back, but the problem is that the old prime minister, who is also the current prime minister's older brother, has been in exile since 2008 to avoid a 2 year sentence for abusing his powers. The weeks long of protests led to an amnesty bill that they are trying to get passes to let the old prime minister return from exile and they want a pardon for an army intervention in the bloody rallies of 2010, in which over 90 people were killed. Police are prepared for an escalation in violence in Bangkok. 

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Class and Class Consciousness in The Wire

Class and Class Consciousness in The Wire | real utopias |
 [Trigger Warning: these clips use extensive profanity and racial slurs.] In the first of these 2 scenes from HBO's The Wire (season 1, episodes 1 and 3), D'Angelo teaches Bodie and Wallace how to play chess. He likens each chess piece to a member of the gang hierarchy, illustrating the stratification structure and his consciousness of it.
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Russell Brand, the question of revolution and why we need more than an abstract, grand narrative of social change

Russell Brand, the question of revolution and why we need more than an abstract, grand narrative of social change | real utopias |
Russell Brand, the question of revolution and why we need more than an abstract, grand narrative of social change
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I Have a Dream, a Blurred Vision by Michael Parenti | Dandelion Salad

The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington—in which Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. made his famed “I Have a Dream” speech—has recently won renewed attention from various print and electronic media in the United States.  But the more attention given to King’s extraordinary speech, the less we seem to know about King himself, the less aware we are about the serious challenges he was presenting, challenges that remain urgent and ignored to this very day.

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VIDEO: Colombian Farmers Win Back Control Of Their Seeds

VIDEO: Colombian Farmers Win Back Control Of Their Seeds | real utopias |

In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters.

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Curated by jean lievens
Economist, specialized in political economy and peer-to-peer dynamics; core member of the P2P Foundation