Cybercriminals Increasingly Attacking University Networks | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
Universities face unique challenges keeping their servers and networks secure from cyber-criminals while accommodating the influx of student and faculty-owned devices each year. A recent analysis of online transaction data highlighted to what extent some universities have already been compromised.


ThreatMetrix, a provider of anti-cybercrime prevention solutions, found that cyber-criminals had already infiltrated networks belonging to major educational institutions including New York University, George Mason University, Harvard University, Purdue University, and University of California in Irvine, Alisdair Faulkner, chief product officer at ThreatMetrix, told SecurityWeek.


ThreatMextrix looked at all the data collected by its systems in September and filtered out only IP addresses that corresponded to university networks for this analysis, Faulkner said.


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