Linux distro hacked on GitHub, “all code considered compromised” | #CyberSecurity #Gentoo | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

Data breaches are always bad news, and this one is peculiarly bad.

Gentoo, a popular distribution of Linux, has had its GitHub repository hacked.

Hacked, as in “totally pwned”, taken over, and modified; so far, no one seems to be sure quite how or why.

That’s the bad news.

Fortunately (we like to find silver linings here at Naked Security):

The Gentoo team didn’t beat around the bush, and quickly published an unequivocal statement about the breach.

The Gentoo GitHub repository is only a secondary copy of the main Gentoo source code.

The main Gentoo repository is intact.

All changes in the main Gentoo repository are digitally signed and can therefore be verified.

As far as we know, the main Gentoo signing key is safe, so the digital signatures are reliable.


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