Curation and reblogging | Comunicación, Mercadotecnia, Publicidad y Medios... |

"While both can lead consumers on a unexpected journey, chasing the white rabbit into previously unexplored corners of the web, [a Curator] actually helps sift through the media abyss, singling out worthwhile information, and often “adding value” by lending context through their own ideas and opinions. The former are rebloggers."


Great pick by Robin Good where writer Chris DeLine goes through the recent attacks on Tumblr to actually paint an interesting picture of Curation as something "not entirely different than Creation."


Reading this article took me back to when we started Back then, we felt the need - in spite of Tumblr's already growing success back then - for a platform dedicated to Curation. While some questioned the opportunity, this post and the growing success not just of but other curation services are a great sign of the legitimacy of that need.


Interestingly as well, it's fascinating to me to see that post curated with one angle by Robin, with another angle by Jan and then by me with a different twist again. This is typical of this idea that Curation is some form of creation: by enabling expression. I would not have picked up Drake's opening comment nor would I have thought about writing about it but I can more easily express some thought on a piece of already-existing content. Hopefully adding context for a particular audience which - with great satisfaction - we see users develop a lot more (and in a better way) than - says DeLine - "rebloggers, basking in all the beautiful projections on their Tumblr sites and Pinterest pages, hoping that someone (anyone!) stumbles across them and sees the collection as a reflection of themselves."


(Image credit: Shutterstock)


Via Robin Good, Guillaume Decugis