Because A PLN Is a Gift… | Utilizing Twitter for PD Purposes |


Yes, I talk about Twitter all the time.  I rave about the people I’ve met. I am addicted to edcamps.  I stalk the blogs of people who inspire me.  I read, save, download, bookmark, and retweet what makes me a better educator.  What is it all about? The people who are a part of my PLN, or personal learning network.  I often say the “P” in PLN stands for “Positive.”  One tweet can change your entire perspective, push your thinking, solidify your thoughts, or make you question something you didn’t even realize you needed to question.  For that? I am incredibly grateful.  The PLN is a gift that keeps on giving. It encourages you to give back just as much. It inspires you to do more, be more, and to never stop learning. So, to every person in the world who has become part of mine, I just wish to say “Thank you!”

Via Anat Goodman, Gust MEES, David Hain, Ricard Lloria