Samsung OLED TVs to show 2 programs at once | Video Breakthroughs |

SAMSUNG is set to launch OLED TVs in Australia in coming months capable of displaying two TV channels at once.


The technology, demonstrated in January at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, will allow two people sitting side-by-side to watch two different channels at the same time, in what is a variation of the current 3D technology.


Research firm DisplaySearch said Samsung and LG were set to do battle at the high-end of the Australian market when the OLED TV's finally reached Australia.


Samsung's technology, called "smart dual view" 'is set to overtake conventional 3D as TV's cool new feature.


Rival LG already had released a form of dual view on its Australian TVs for gaming which allows two people to see their aspect of the same game full-screen on the same display using modified 3D glasses.