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janlgordon's comment,
February 25, 2012 12:01 PM
Hi Robin,
I went to the link you gave me below and somehow it didn't work, can you tell me where to look, I would love to hear about the class you're teaching and see the channels you reviewed, thanks so much:-)
Robin Good's comment,
February 25, 2012 12:09 PM
Hi Jan,
I tried the link now and it does work ok for me. In any case here's a screenshot of the tweet: Re the class and the channels reviewed these are not visible as this was a paid online course and only the participants got all of the recordings. :-( I can confirm you that I reviewed your work and listed you as a top example of good curation work while detailing your strong traits.
janlgordon's comment,
February 25, 2012 11:50 PM
I am truly honored, thank you for all your kind and encouraging words, coming from you that means a lot Robin.
Tout est dit par Robin Good !